Gato(KOFXI): Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
{{KOF XI Character
| charname = Gato
| jcharname = 牙刀
| portrait = [[Image:KOFXI gato full.png]]
|tier_rank = S+
|ratio_rank = 7 Points
|health = 1.0
|stun_gauge = 1.0
|crouch_tier = C
== Quick Guide ==
:Gato is a top tier character with brutal pressure, great meter building, high combo damage and flexibility and great shift synergy.
:He can be played in any position due to his strong meter building (as a point) & very powerful LDM (as a Leader).
:If you want to keep your distance, build meter like crazy with 236A or 214K-B to force the opponent to act.
:If you want to get in, use the extremely powerful j.E, or simply j.B or j.D, with and without the "airdash" before it (214P>A)
:Gato's 236236B has juggle anywhere, make sure to convert all stray anti-air hits into this move whenever possible, with a short dash before it if necessary.
:Gato excells at close-range pressure. Use 2B,2A,5A and j.B in any order and combination, all of them are extremely quick and give massive advantage.
:after 2B, 2A, 5A, 5C and 5D, Gato can link 236236A, which is a strong and easy combo that should be used whenever possible.
:j.B can be used as an instant overhead. It can also cross up.
:2D gives frame advantage on block and is a great string ender. If you are close enough, you can even use it several times in a row.
:6A is a slow overhead with massive frame advantage, so much that you can link 236236A or even a 2D.
:As okizeme, use meaty 214K-A, the explosion gives massive frame advantage and makes you safe against most reversals (~+8).
:If you play Gato as Leader, make sure to use his LDM whenever possible, even on block, since it guard crushes.
:If you can, shift to Gato in the corner after a launcher whenever possible. He can loop 214K-B for massive damage & meter build.
:236236A is extremely strong: only 4F startup, good damage, combos are possible after a trade and very hard to punish. Use it a lot and don't be afraid to throw it out in your opponent's block strings.
:236236B is an extremely fast (2F) reversal, but is only useful against obvious jump-ins.
:smalljump or jump A/D can be used preemptively if you expect your opponent to jump. If you hit them out of the air, dash up and juggle them with a late 236236B (which can be dream cancelled into LDM for ridiculous damage).
:Use 5A>6B as a chain combo against smalljumps. The 6B will hit because small jump attacks are automatically in counter hit state. You can link dash>236236B after.
== Colors ==
{{KOF XI Colors
|square=[[Datei:KOFXI gato S.png]]
|cross=[[Datei:KOFXI gato X.png]]
|triangle=[[Datei:KOFXI gato T.png]]
|circle=[[Datei:KOFXI gato C.png]]
|R1+square=[[Datei:KOFXI gato R1S.png]]
|R1+cross=[[Datei:KOFXI gato R1X.png]]
|R1+triangle=[[Datei:KOFXI gato R1T.png]]
|R1+circle=[[Datei:KOFXI gato R1C.png]]
|L1+square=[[Datei:KOFXI gato L1S.png]]
|L1+cross=[[Datei:KOFXI gato L1X.png]]
|L1+triangle=[[Datei:KOFXI gato L1T.png]]
|L1+circle=[[Datei:KOFXI gato L1C.png]]
==Frame Data==
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" cellspacing="1" style="text-align: center; color:black;border: 1px solid #B5B5B5"
|+Short List
! Move !! S!! A!! Hit!! Blk!! Dmg!! C-Dmg!! Stn!! C-Stn!! G-Dmg!! Gauge!! Note
| 5A(c) || 3 || 2|| <span style="color: blue;">+5</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+4</span>|| 5|| 6|| 7|| 11|| 6|| 7||
| 5A(f)|| 4 || 2|| <span style="color: blue;">+6</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+5</span>|| 6|| 7|| 8|| 12|| 8|| 9||
| 5B(c)|| 6 || 2|| <span style="color: blue;">+5</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+4</span>|| 6|| 7|| 9|| 12|| 6|| 7||
| 5B(f)|| 6 || 3|| <span style="color: blue;">+2</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+1</span>|| 7|| 9|| 9|| 12|| 8|| 8||
| 5C(c)|| 5 || 4|| <span style="color: blue;">+7</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+6</span>|| 12|| 15|| 14|| 17|| 12|| 13||
| 5C(f)|| 11 || 6|| <span style="color: blue;">+0</span>|| <span style="color: red;">-1</span>|| 14|| 18|| 17|| 20|| 14|| 16||
| 5D(c)(1)|| 5|| 2|| <span style="color: blue;">+4</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+3</span>|| 12|| 15|| 18|| 22|| 24|| 16||Dmg/Stun/Guard Crush/Gauge Data = hit1+2
| 5D(c)(2)|| 8|| 4|| <span style="color: blue;">+7</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+6</span>|| 12|| 15|| 18|| 22|| 24|| 16||Dmg/Stun/Guard/Gauge Data = hit1+2
| 5D(f)|| 11 || 4|| <span style="color: blue;">+6</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+5</span>|| 15|| 19|| 17|| 20|| 14|| 15||
| 5E|| 16 || 6|| KD|| <span style="color: red;">-3</span>|| 18|| 22|| 20|| 24|| 16|| 16||
| GC|| 7 || 6|| KD|| <span style="color: red;">-16</span>|| 5|| 5|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0||Invul F1-12 (until end of active time). 43F total duration.
| 6A || 24 || 5|| <span style="color: blue;">+10</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+9</span>|| 16|| 19|| 18|| 22|| 18|| 16||Overhead.
| 6B || 9 || 4|| <span style="color: red;">-3</span>*|| <span style="color: blue;">+2</span>*|| 14|| 17|| 16|| 20|| 22|| 16||*= vs standing Griffon
| Saving Shift || ? || n*|| /|| /|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0||Active until landing. 4F/5F recovery (hit/whiff), less than most other characters.
| Throw || 1 || 1|| /|| /|| 16|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0||
| 2A|| 4 || 3|| <span style="color: blue;">+5</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+4</span>|| 5|| 6|| 8|| 12|| 6|| 8||
| 2B|| 5 || 2|| <span style="color: blue;">+6</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+5</span>|| 6|| 7|| 8|| 10|| 6|| 8||
| 2C|| 7 || 4|| <span style="color: blue;">+4</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+3</span>|| 12|| 15|| 14|| 17|| 12|| 14||
| 2D|| 9 || 4|| KD|| <span style="color: blue;">+5</span>|| 12|| 15|| 13|| 16|| 14|| 13||
| small A|| 5 || 5|| /|| /|| 5|| 6|| 8|| 11*/12|| 8|| 8||*=back-smalljump
| j.A|| 5 || 5|| /|| /|| 4*/5|| 6|| 8|| 12|| 8|| 8||*=back-jump
| j.up A|| 4 || 5|| /|| /|| 5|| 6|| 8|| 12|| 8|| 8||
| small B|| 5 || 5|| /|| /|| 6|| 7|| 8|| 10|| 8|| 7||
| small bck B|| 5 || 5|| /|| /|| 5|| 6|| 6|| 8|| 8|| 7||
| j.B|| 5 || 5|| /|| /|| 6|| 7|| 8|| 10|| 8|| 8||
| j.bck B|| 5 || 5|| /|| /|| 5|| 6|| 6|| 8|| 8|| 8||
| small up C|| 6 || 4|| /|| /|| 11|| 13|| 13|| 16|| 14|| 12||
| small fwd C|| 6 || 5|| /|| /|| 11|| 13|| 13|| 16|| 14|| 12||
| small bck C|| 6 || 8|| /|| /|| 11|| 13|| 13|| 17|| 14|| 12||
| j.up C|| 8 || 6|| /|| /|| 11|| 13|| 13|| 16|| 14|| 13||
| j.fwd C|| 8 || 6|| /|| /|| 11|| 13|| 13|| 16|| 14|| 14||
| j.bck C|| 8 || 6|| /|| /|| 11|| 13|| 13|| 17|| 14|| 13||
| small up D|| 6 || 2+3|| /|| /|| 12|| 14|| 14|| 16|| 14|| 12||
| small fwd D|| 8 || 5|| /|| /|| 13|| 15|| 14|| 18|| 14|| 12||
| small bck D|| 8 || 4|| /|| /|| 12|| 14|| 14|| 16|| 14|| 12||
| j.up D|| 7 || 2+4|| /|| /|| 12|| 14|| 14|| 16|| 14|| 13||
| j.fwd D|| 9 || 6|| /|| /|| 13|| 15|| 14|| 18|| 14|| 13||
| j.bck D|| 11 || 6|| /|| /|| 12|| 14|| 14|| 16|| 14|| 13||
| small E|| 10 || 6|| /|| /|| 16|| 18|| 18|| 22|| 16|| 14||
| j.E|| 10 || 8|| /|| /|| 16|| 18|| 18|| 22|| 16|| 15||
| 236A|| 12|| 6|| <span style="color: blue;">+3</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+2</span>|| 12|| 15|| 14|| 17|| 12|| 10/3||
| >66A|| 3|| 10|| KD|| <span style="color: red;">-9</span>*|| 6|| 8|| 6|| 8|| 10|| 4/2||*=point blank
| 236C|| 19|| 8|| <span style="color: blue;">+1</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+0</span>|| 13|| 16|| 15|| 18|| 12|| 13/4||
| >66C|| 3|| 12|| KD|| <span style="color: red;">-11</span>*|| 7|| 10|| 6|| 8|| 10|| 7/3||*=point blank
| 214A|| 6|| 2|| -12|| <span style="color: red;">-13</span>|| 6|| 9|| 8|| 11|| 0|| 10/2||F1-9 counterhit-state. F10-32 airborne. 7F landing recovery.
| 214B|| 6|| 2|| -14|| <span style="color: red;">-15</span>|| 6|| 9|| 8|| 11|| 0|| 10/2||F1-32 counterhit-state (until landing). F10-32 airborne. 9F landing recovery.
| 214C|| 6|| 2|| KD|| <span style="color: red;">-25</span>|| 6|| 9|| 8|| 11|| 0|| 10/2||Flies higher than 214A. Launches. F1-9 counterhit-state. F10-44 airborne. 7F landing recovery.
| 214D|| 6|| 2|| KD|| <span style="color: red;">-27</span>|| 6|| 9|| 8|| 11|| 0|| 10/2||Flies higher than 214B. Launches. F1-44 counterhit-state (until landing). F10-44 airborne. 9F landing recovery.
| 214K-A|| 15|| 12|| KD|| <span style="color: blue;">+8*|| 12|| 14|| 16|| 20|| 0|| 10/2||Launches *=after 214B on guard. 9F landing recovery.
| 214K-B|| 5|| 3|| KD|| <span style="color: blue;">+1*|| 10|| 13|| 8|| 10|| 0|| 10/2||Launches *=after 214B on guard. 9F landing recovery.
| 214K-C|| 4|| *|| <span style="color: blue;">+0</span>*|| -1*|| 12|| 15|| 15|| 18|| 0|| 10/2||*=until landing. *2=after 214B on guard. 13F landing recovery.
| 214K-D|| 7*|| 10|| KD|| <span style="color: blue;">+0</span>*|| 14|| 17|| 17|| 20|| 0|| 10/2||6F crouching recovery in counter hit state +6F regular crouching recovery. *=from landing. *2=after 214B on guard
| 214P-A|| 18*|| /|| /|| /|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0||F1-15 & 20-37 CH-state. *=Flies off F18. 1F landing recovery (like a regular jump).
| 214P-B|| 4/5*|| 22/4*|| KD|| /|| 20|| 20|| 20|| 20|| 0|| 6/20*||Counter. 9F landing recovery. F1-4 of hit invulnerable (entire startup). *1= counter/hit. *2=Conqueror's Guide erroneously lists this as 6/8.
| 214P-C|| 7|| 10|| KD|| /|| 15|| 15|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 10/14*||Throw. 13F landing recovery on whiff. *=Conqueror's guide erroneously lists this as 10/4.
| 214P-D|| /|| 6*|| /|| /|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0|| 0||Fakeout. *= upon landing, 6F invul + 18F regular recovery. Super Cancel.
| 236236A|| 4|| 4|| KD|| <span style="color: red;">-5</span>|| 32|| 37|| 0|| 0|| 24|| 0||F1-4 invul. 22F recovery.
| 236236C|| 10|| 5|| KD|| <span style="color: red;">-6</span>|| 35|| 41|| 0|| 0|| 24|| 0||F1 invul. 22F recovery.
| 236236B|| 2|| 3+18|| KD|| <span style="color: red;">-49</span>|| 34|| 38|| 0|| 0|| 45|| 0||F1 invul. F2-4 upper body invul. First hit has juggle anywhere. 20F landing recovery.
| 236236D|| 15|| 4+30|| KD|| <span style="color: red;">-70</span>|| 37|| 41|| 0|| 0|| 45|| 0||F1-18 invul. Airborne F19. First hit has juggle anywhere. 22F landing recovery.
| 623Ex1|| 7|| 4+4|| <span style="color: red;">-1|| <span style="color: red;">-2</span>|| 18|| 24|| 0|| 0|| 12|| 0||F1-6 invul. 15F recovery.
| 623Ex2|| 13|| 3|| <span style="color: blue;">+7</span>|| <span style="color: blue;">+2</span>|| 16|| /|| 0|| 0|| 90|| 0||Body (not arm) remains in counterhit-state F16-18 (3F longer than active time). 16F recovery.
| 623Ex3|| ~10|| 3|| KD|| GC|| 30|| /|| 0|| 0|| 18|| 0||No combo damage scaling. 21F recovery. Dmg/Stun/Guard Crush/Gauge Data = hit1+2+3
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" cellspacing="1" style="text-align: center; color:black;border: 1px solid #B5B5B5"
|+Standing Attacks
! Move !! Hitbox!! Startup!! Active!! Hit!! Guard!! Note
| 5A(c) || [[bild:kofxi_gato_5A(c)_1.png]] || 3 || 2 || +5 || +4 ||
| 5A(f)|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_5A(f).png]] || 4 || 2 || +6 || +5 ||cannot be crouched
| 5B(c)|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_5B(c).png]] || 6 || 2 || +5 || +4 ||
| 5B(f)|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_5B(f).png]] || 6 || 3 || +2 || +1 ||
| 5C(c)|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_5C(c).png]] || 5 || 4 || +7 || +6 ||
| 5C(f)|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_5C(f).png]] || 11 || 6 || +0 || -1 ||
| 5D(c)|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_5D(c)_1.png]][[bild:kofxi_gato_5D(c)_2.png]] || 5 || 2+4 || +7 || +6 ||
| 5D(f)|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_5D(f).png]] || 11 || 4 || +6 || +5 ||
| 5E|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_5E.png]] || 16 || 6 || KD || -3 ||
| GC|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_GC.png]][[bild:kofxi_gato_GC_gif.gif]] || 7 || 6 || KD || -16 ||1-12 invul (until end of active time). 43F total duration.
| 6A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_6A.png]] || 24 || 4 || +10 || +9 || Overhead. Cancel Version is the same.
| 6B|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_6B.png]] || 9 || 5 || -3 || +2 || only hits standing, tall opponents. Cancel Version is the same.
| Saving Shift || [[bild:kofxi_gato_saving.png]] ||? || n*|| /|| /||Active until landing. 4F/5F recovery (hit/whiff), less than most other characters.
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" cellspacing="1" style="text-align: center; color:black;border: 1px solid #B5B5B5"
|+Crouching attacks
! Move !! Hitbox!! Startup!! Active!! Hit!! Guard!! Note
| 2A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_2A.png]] || 4 || 3 || +6 || +5 ||
| 2B|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_2B.png]] || 5 || 2 || +6 || +5 ||
| 2C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_2C.png]] || 7 || 4 || +4 || +3 ||
| 2D|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_2D.png]] || 9 || 4 || KD || +5 ||
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" cellspacing="1" style="text-align: center; color:black;border: 1px solid #B5B5B5"
|+Jump Attacks
! Move !! Hitbox!! Startup!! Active!! Note
| small back A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_back_A.png]]|| 5 || 5 ||
| small up A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_up_A.png]]|| 5 || 5 ||
| small forward A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_forward_A.png]]|| 5 || 5 ||
| jump back A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_back_A.png]]|| 5 || 5 ||
| jump up A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_up_A.png]]|| 4 || 5 ||
| jump forward A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_forward_A.png]]|| 5 || 5 ||
| small back B|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_back_B.png]]|| 5 || 5 ||
| small up B|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_up_B.png]]|| 5 || 5 ||
| small forward B|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_forward_B.png]]|| 5 || 5 ||
| jump back B|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_back_B.png]]|| 5 || 5 ||
| jump up B|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_up_B.png]]|| 5 || 5 ||
| jump forward B|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_forward_B.png]]|| 5 || 5 ||
| small back C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_back+up_C.png]]|| 6 || 8 ||Same Hitbox as smalljump up C
| small up C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_back+up_C.png]]|| 6 || 4 ||Same Hitbox as smalljump back C
| small forward C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_forward_C.png]]|| 6 || 5 ||
| jump back C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_back_C.png]]|| 8 || 6 ||
| jump up C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_up_C.png]]|| 8 || 6 ||
| jump forward C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_forward_C.png]]|| 8 || 6 ||
| small back D|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_back_D.png]]|| 8 || 4 ||
| small up D|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_up_D_1.png|150px]][[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_up_D_2.png|150px]]|| 6 || 2+3 ||
| small forward D|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_forward_D.png]]|| 8 || 5 ||
| jump back D|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_back_D.png]]|| 11 || 6 ||
| jump up D|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_up_D_1.png|150px]][[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_up_D_2.png|150px]]|| 7 || 2+4 ||
| jump forward D|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_forward_D.png]]|| 9 || 6 ||
| small E|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_smalljump_E.png]]|| 10 || 6 ||
| j.E|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_jump_E.png]]|| 10 || 8 ||
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" cellspacing="1" style="text-align: center; color:black;border: 1px solid #B5B5B5"
|+Specials & Supers
! Move !! Hitbox!! Startup!! Active!! Hit!! Guard!! Note
| 236A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_236A.png]] || 12 || 6 || +3 ||+2 ||
| 236A>66A || [[bild:kofxi_gato_236A-66A.png]] || 3 || 10 || KD || -9* ||*=point blank
| 236C || [[bild:kofxi_gato_236C.png]] || 19 || 8 || +1||+0||
| 236C-66C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_236C-66C.png]] || 3 || 12 || KD|| -11*||*=point blank
| 214A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214A.png]] || 6 || 2 || -12||-13 ||F1-9 counterhit-state. F10-32 airborne. 7F landing recovery.
| 214B|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214A.png]] || 6 || 2 || -14||-15 ||F1-32 counterhit-state (until landing). F10-32 airborne. 9F landing recovery.
| 214C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214C.png]] || 6 || 2 || KD||-25 ||Flies higher than 214A. Launches. F1-9 counterhit-state. F10-44 airborne. 7F landing recovery.
| 214D|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214C.png]] || 6 || 2 || KD||-27 ||Flies higher than 214B. Launches. F1-44 counterhit-state (until landing). F10-44 airborne. 9F landing recovery.
| 214K-A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214KA.png]] || 15 || 12 || KD|| +8*||Launches (no juggle). *=after 214B, fastest timing. 9F landing recovery.
| 214K-B|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214KB.png]] || 5 || 3 || KD|| +1*||Launches + enables juggle. *=after 214B, fastest timing. 9F landing recovery.
| 214K-C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214KC.png]] || 4 || n* || +0*|| -1*|| *=active until landing. *2+3=after 214B, fastest timing. 13F landing recovery.
| 214K-D|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214KD.png]] || 7* || 10 || KD || +0*|| *=7F from landing. *2=after 214B, in the corner. 6F crouching recovery in counter hit state +6F regular crouching recovery.
| 214P-A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214PA.png]] || 18* ||/||/||/|| F1-15 & 20-37 CH-state. *=flies off F18. Loses CH-state if an attack is performed while flying. 1F landing recovery (like a regular jump).
| 214P-B|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214PB.png]]<br>[[bild:kofxi_gato_214PB_gif.gif]] || 4/5* || 22/4* || KD ||/||Counter. 9F landing recovery. F1-4 of hit invulnerable (entire startup). *= counter/hit.
| 214P-C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214PC.png]] || 7 || 10 || KD ||/||Throw. 13F landing recovery on whiff.
| 214P-D|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_214PD.png]] ||/|| 6* ||/||/||*=6F invul from landing. No Counterhit-State. Super Cancel.
| 236236A|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_236236A.png]] || 4 || 4 || KD || -5||4F invul(the whole startup). 22F recovery.
| 236236C|| [[bild:kofxi_gato_236236C.png]] || 10 || 5 || KD|| -6 ||F1 invul. 22F recovery.
| 236236B || [[bild:kofxi_gato_236236B_1.png|150px]][[bild:kofxi_gato_236236B_2.png|150px]][[bild:kofxi_gato_236236B_gif.gif]] || 2 || 3+18 || KD|| -49 ||F1 invul. F2-4 upper body invul. Airborne F5. Hurtbox shrinks from F7 on. First hit has juggle anywhere. 20F landing recovery.
| 236236D || [[bild:kofxi_gato_236236D_1.png|150px]][[bild:kofxi_gato_236236D_2.png|150px]][[bild:kofxi_gato_236236D_gif.gif]] || 15 || 4+30 || KD|| -70 ||F1-18 invul. Airborne F19. First hit has juggle anywhere. Pulls the enemy in. 22F landing recovery.
| 623Ex1 || [[bild:kofxi_gato_623E_1.png]][[bild:kofxi_gato_623E_1_2.png]][[bild:kofxi_gato_623E_gif.gif]] || 7 || 4+4 || -1|| -2||F1-6 invul. 15F recovery.
| 623Ex2 ||  [[bild:kofxi_gato_623E_2.png]] || 13 || 3 || +7||+2 ||High guard damage. 3F CH-State on legs after the active-Frames. Body (not arm) remains in counterhit-state F16-18 (3F longer than active time). 16F recovery.
| 623Ex3 || [[bild:kofxi_gato_623E_3.png]] || ~16 || 3 || KD|| GC||No invul. Guard Crush. No combo damage scaling. 21F recovery.
| 623E(DC) || [[bild:kofxi_gato_623E(DC).png]] ||  ||  ||  || || Dream / Super Cancel-Version of 623E has a slightly different hitbox.
== Special Attributes & Bugs ==
*Wakes up 4F faster on face up knockdown
*Gato's front ukemi takes 26+1F instead of the regular 22+1F
*Gato is throw invulnerable during his front ukemi (thanks @kofxi_bot!).
*Gato has a taller than normal collision size while crouch guarding, which prevents smalljump crossups.
*Has less landing recovery after Saving Shift: only 4F/5F (hit/whiff) instead of the usual 9F/10F
*Gato's back roll has no invulnerability F1-6. Invul F7-26. 7F recovery.
== Combos ==
== Combos ==
=== Basic Combos ===
*2B or 2A or 5A or 5D(2) or 5C(c), link 236236A: yes, it is that simple.
*5C or 5D, > link 2B > link 236236A
*5D(1),214D-B: launcher combo.
*Back-turned 5D(2) (eg after a punished forward roll), link 5D(2), link 2B, link 236236A
*2B>5C(c)>cancel into LDM
=== Shift Combos ===
* Corner high launch (eg. Kula 214B>6D), QS Gato, Whiff j.B, 5B whiff, 214B-B x 4-5, then:
**6B,236236D (>DC LDM)
**2C>236A (whiff),236236B(>DC LDM)
'''With K'''<br>
With back to corner 236236A QS to K,\/, jump back j.C>j.214K,\/, LDM, see [ here]
=== Other Combos ===
'''Double 5D Combos'''<br>
Those are most commonly used to punish front ukemi. Example: back-turned 5D(c) (against front ukemi), link 2B, link 5D(c), link 5A(c)>LDM, see an example by Kyuntakuya [ here].
'''5D(1) > 5A,5A Combo Route'''<br>
The second hit of 5D(c) whiffs against crouchers in some combos, which creates less pushback and allows comboing into 5A,5A. This in turn enables combos with more stun than normal. The combo was discovered around 2006 (tougeki time). Rock managed to discover good ways to use the combo lately: [ source]. Some additional clips from [ PI]
'''Command Grab Combo'''
Not too useful, but interesting - it is possible to combo into Gato's command grab on back hit, see [ here]

=== DOWN Okizeme ===
=== DOWN Okizeme ===

*Nahe der ecke Smalljump back j.B,2B, link 236236A, Shift Out Oswald, backdash, 3A,214B,236A,236B,236E: Delays falls nötig unbekannt
*Close to corner smalljump back (recrossup) j.B,2B, link 236236A, Shift Out Oswald, backdash, 3A,214B,236A,236B,236E: Delays if necessary are unknown
== Universal Strategy Vs Gato ==
'''Gato Pressure'''<br>
Gato's infamous pressure consists of a combination of quick 2Bs, 2As, 5As and j.B, which all give massive frame advantage and hit very fast. Rolling out is not a valid strategy since all of his attacks recover quick enough to punish you. This leaves either mashing into j.B, which is dangerous, or reversals, or guard cancels. Ideally you want to escape to a distance that resets neutral. You cannot take your time once in neutral however, since Gato can build absurd amounts of meter by whiffing special moves, so you will have to take the initiative sooner or later.
Gato's 236236A is notoriously strong: it is fast (4F), deals a lot of damage, allows combos on trade and is hard to punish (-5). The C version is almost never used, since the A-version is so much better and faster. The A-version has invulnerability during the startup, but not during its active time. Since a trade is so favorable, it can still be used as a reversal.<br>
236236A is only '''-5 on block''' & pushes the opponent away a good distance, which makes it hard or even impossible to punish on block for some characters. Instead of blocking 236236A, it is best to input your punish already during the super freeze, i you are quick enough. If you are standing next to Gato during the super freeze, you can simply throw him with 6/4+C/D. Rolling through unfortunately does not give enough time to punish in almost all cases. Other than throwing, most characters have a Special or Super they can use to beat 236236A during the super freeze, eg. command grabs or moves with full or upper body invul, eg Eiji 236B, Vanessa 214P / 236K / [4],6C. Counters also work (Oswald's 4212D) or Guard Points (Maxima 236236C).
'''Reversal 236236B'''<br>
Gato's 236236B is extremely fast ('''2F startup''') and can be used as an anti-air wakeup. Gatos will usually only use this against very bold jump-in attempts on wakeup, since 236236A is generally better as a reversal and leads to more damage, and is also more safe. The best way to avoid getting hit by reversal 236263B is not to jump onto Gato too recklessly, or jump from an angle that would make most of the 236236B hits whiff (so, from far away).
'''LDM (623Ex3)'''<br>
Gato's LDM has '''7F Startup''' and startup invulnerability and has no super freeze. Safe jumping this super is useless, since you never want it to connect on guard. You can however option select during your safe jump against it, eg. by buffering an action that evades or beats 623E in case your jump-in whiffs (due to 623E invulnerability). Getting hit in air by 623E does not lead to anything for Gato, so jump attacks with early timing can be used against it without much danger, but this opens you up to 236236B & 236236A reversals.<br>
The third hit of 623E causes a guaranteed guard crush due to the high guard damage of the 2nd hit. If you blocked 3 light or 1 heavy attack before 623E, the 2nd hit will already cause a guard crush and the 3rd hit will hit for a lot of damage. If you are quick enough, you can react to the 623E series on the first or second hit (first hit is more of a guess) by immediately doing a '''Guard Cancel Roll''' or attack to evade it.
===Vs Kula===
Japanese player Shingo considers this matchup in favor of Gato: approaching him is difficult with Kula, even though she excels at corner pressure. On the other hand, if Gato & Kula are not Leaders in this matchup, Kula can also play this defensively and abuse her strong anti-airs.
:5D(c) as Okizeme can beat both Kula's wakeup 214B & 623C
:Do not overabuse wakeup 236236A, Kula can 214B on reaction for a full punish.
:If you have saving shift and Leader Gato available, you can punish Kula's BnB combo on hit if you saving shift>land>LDM right before she would do the 6D followup to 214B. Example video feat. [ Yanjirou]
:For the rare case that you play against a Leader Kula, you can punish her LDM on block with Gato's command grab (it is unpunishable other than by throws).
===Vs Oswald===
Strongly in favor of Gato.
:Oswald has trouble escaping from Gato's pressure. Gato's normals are too quick and should be used as much as possible (j.B, 2B, 2A, 5A etc.)
:Since Gato wakes up 4F faster on face-up knockdown, he can punish ACE on hit with 236236A.
:Use meaty 5D(c) to beat Oswald's reversal counter.
=== Vs Kensou ===
According to Sawakoro, the matchup is relatively even, since Gato has massive problems getting in on Kensou's zoning playstyle.
:Gato can use smalljump j.C as an instant overhead against Kensou
=== Vs Kim ===
According to Kyuntakuya, strongly in favor of Gato (8:2).

Aktuelle Version vom 31. August 2024, 08:35 Uhr

KOFXI gato full.png
Tiers & Ranking
Tier: S+
Ratio Cost: 7 Points
Damage Modifier: 1.0
Stun Modifier: 1.0
Crouch height (Tier): C

Quick Guide

Gato is a top tier character with brutal pressure, great meter building, high combo damage and flexibility and great shift synergy.
He can be played in any position due to his strong meter building (as a point) & very powerful LDM (as a Leader).


If you want to keep your distance, build meter like crazy with 236A or 214K-B to force the opponent to act.
If you want to get in, use the extremely powerful j.E, or simply j.B or j.D, with and without the "airdash" before it (214P>A)
Gato's 236236B has juggle anywhere, make sure to convert all stray anti-air hits into this move whenever possible, with a short dash before it if necessary.


Gato excells at close-range pressure. Use 2B,2A,5A and j.B in any order and combination, all of them are extremely quick and give massive advantage.
after 2B, 2A, 5A, 5C and 5D, Gato can link 236236A, which is a strong and easy combo that should be used whenever possible.
j.B can be used as an instant overhead. It can also cross up.
2D gives frame advantage on block and is a great string ender. If you are close enough, you can even use it several times in a row.
6A is a slow overhead with massive frame advantage, so much that you can link 236236A or even a 2D.
As okizeme, use meaty 214K-A, the explosion gives massive frame advantage and makes you safe against most reversals (~+8).
If you play Gato as Leader, make sure to use his LDM whenever possible, even on block, since it guard crushes.
If you can, shift to Gato in the corner after a launcher whenever possible. He can loop 214K-B for massive damage & meter build.


236236A is extremely strong: only 4F startup, good damage, combos are possible after a trade and very hard to punish. Use it a lot and don't be afraid to throw it out in your opponent's block strings.
236236B is an extremely fast (2F) reversal, but is only useful against obvious jump-ins.
smalljump or jump A/D can be used preemptively if you expect your opponent to jump. If you hit them out of the air, dash up and juggle them with a late 236236B (which can be dream cancelled into LDM for ridiculous damage).
Use 5A>6B as a chain combo against smalljumps. The 6B will hit because small jump attacks are automatically in counter hit state. You can link dash>236236B after.


KOFXI gato S.png KOFXI gato X.png KOFXI gato T.png KOFXI gato C.png
KOFXI gato R1S.png KOFXI gato R1X.png KOFXI gato R1T.png KOFXI gato R1C.png
KOFXI gato L1S.png KOFXI gato L1X.png KOFXI gato L1T.png KOFXI gato L1C.png
Start+A Start+B Start+C Start+D

Frame Data

Short List
Move S A Hit Blk Dmg C-Dmg Stn C-Stn G-Dmg Gauge Note
5A(c) 3 2 +5 +4 5 6 7 11 6 7
5A(f) 4 2 +6 +5 6 7 8 12 8 9
5B(c) 6 2 +5 +4 6 7 9 12 6 7
5B(f) 6 3 +2 +1 7 9 9 12 8 8
5C(c) 5 4 +7 +6 12 15 14 17 12 13
5C(f) 11 6 +0 -1 14 18 17 20 14 16
5D(c)(1) 5 2 +4 +3 12 15 18 22 24 16 Dmg/Stun/Guard Crush/Gauge Data = hit1+2
5D(c)(2) 8 4 +7 +6 12 15 18 22 24 16 Dmg/Stun/Guard/Gauge Data = hit1+2
5D(f) 11 4 +6 +5 15 19 17 20 14 15
5E 16 6 KD -3 18 22 20 24 16 16
GC 7 6 KD -16 5 5 0 0 0 0 Invul F1-12 (until end of active time). 43F total duration.
6A 24 5 +10 +9 16 19 18 22 18 16 Overhead.
6B 9 4 -3* +2* 14 17 16 20 22 16 *= vs standing Griffon
Saving Shift ? n* / / 0 0 0 0 0 0 Active until landing. 4F/5F recovery (hit/whiff), less than most other characters.
Throw 1 1 / / 16 0 0 0 0 0
2A 4 3 +5 +4 5 6 8 12 6 8
2B 5 2 +6 +5 6 7 8 10 6 8
2C 7 4 +4 +3 12 15 14 17 12 14
2D 9 4 KD +5 12 15 13 16 14 13
small A 5 5 / / 5 6 8 11*/12 8 8 *=back-smalljump
j.A 5 5 / / 4*/5 6 8 12 8 8 *=back-jump
j.up A 4 5 / / 5 6 8 12 8 8
small B 5 5 / / 6 7 8 10 8 7
small bck B 5 5 / / 5 6 6 8 8 7
j.B 5 5 / / 6 7 8 10 8 8
j.bck B 5 5 / / 5 6 6 8 8 8
small up C 6 4 / / 11 13 13 16 14 12
small fwd C 6 5 / / 11 13 13 16 14 12
small bck C 6 8 / / 11 13 13 17 14 12
j.up C 8 6 / / 11 13 13 16 14 13
j.fwd C 8 6 / / 11 13 13 16 14 14
j.bck C 8 6 / / 11 13 13 17 14 13
small up D 6 2+3 / / 12 14 14 16 14 12
small fwd D 8 5 / / 13 15 14 18 14 12
small bck D 8 4 / / 12 14 14 16 14 12
j.up D 7 2+4 / / 12 14 14 16 14 13
j.fwd D 9 6 / / 13 15 14 18 14 13
j.bck D 11 6 / / 12 14 14 16 14 13
small E 10 6 / / 16 18 18 22 16 14
j.E 10 8 / / 16 18 18 22 16 15
236A 12 6 +3 +2 12 15 14 17 12 10/3
>66A 3 10 KD -9* 6 8 6 8 10 4/2 *=point blank
236C 19 8 +1 +0 13 16 15 18 12 13/4
>66C 3 12 KD -11* 7 10 6 8 10 7/3 *=point blank
214A 6 2 -12 -13 6 9 8 11 0 10/2 F1-9 counterhit-state. F10-32 airborne. 7F landing recovery.
214B 6 2 -14 -15 6 9 8 11 0 10/2 F1-32 counterhit-state (until landing). F10-32 airborne. 9F landing recovery.
214C 6 2 KD -25 6 9 8 11 0 10/2 Flies higher than 214A. Launches. F1-9 counterhit-state. F10-44 airborne. 7F landing recovery.
214D 6 2 KD -27 6 9 8 11 0 10/2 Flies higher than 214B. Launches. F1-44 counterhit-state (until landing). F10-44 airborne. 9F landing recovery.
214K-A 15 12 KD +8* 12 14 16 20 0 10/2 Launches *=after 214B on guard. 9F landing recovery.
214K-B 5 3 KD +1* 10 13 8 10 0 10/2 Launches *=after 214B on guard. 9F landing recovery.
214K-C 4 * +0* -1* 12 15 15 18 0 10/2 *=until landing. *2=after 214B on guard. 13F landing recovery.
214K-D 7* 10 KD +0* 14 17 17 20 0 10/2 6F crouching recovery in counter hit state +6F regular crouching recovery. *=from landing. *2=after 214B on guard
214P-A 18* / / / 0 0 0 0 0 0 F1-15 & 20-37 CH-state. *=Flies off F18. 1F landing recovery (like a regular jump).
214P-B 4/5* 22/4* KD / 20 20 20 20 0 6/20* Counter. 9F landing recovery. F1-4 of hit invulnerable (entire startup). *1= counter/hit. *2=Conqueror's Guide erroneously lists this as 6/8.
214P-C 7 10 KD / 15 15 0 0 0 10/14* Throw. 13F landing recovery on whiff. *=Conqueror's guide erroneously lists this as 10/4.
214P-D / 6* / / 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fakeout. *= upon landing, 6F invul + 18F regular recovery. Super Cancel.
236236A 4 4 KD -5 32 37 0 0 24 0 F1-4 invul. 22F recovery.
236236C 10 5 KD -6 35 41 0 0 24 0 F1 invul. 22F recovery.
236236B 2 3+18 KD -49 34 38 0 0 45 0 F1 invul. F2-4 upper body invul. First hit has juggle anywhere. 20F landing recovery.
236236D 15 4+30 KD -70 37 41 0 0 45 0 F1-18 invul. Airborne F19. First hit has juggle anywhere. 22F landing recovery.
623Ex1 7 4+4 -1 -2 18 24 0 0 12 0 F1-6 invul. 15F recovery.
623Ex2 13 3 +7 +2 16 / 0 0 90 0 Body (not arm) remains in counterhit-state F16-18 (3F longer than active time). 16F recovery.
623Ex3 ~10 3 KD GC 30 / 0 0 18 0 No combo damage scaling. 21F recovery. Dmg/Stun/Guard Crush/Gauge Data = hit1+2+3
Standing Attacks
Move Hitbox Startup Active Hit Guard Note
5A(c) Kofxi gato 5A(c) 1.png 3 2 +5 +4
5A(f) Kofxi gato 5A(f).png 4 2 +6 +5 cannot be crouched
5B(c) Kofxi gato 5B(c).png 6 2 +5 +4
5B(f) Kofxi gato 5B(f).png 6 3 +2 +1
5C(c) Kofxi gato 5C(c).png 5 4 +7 +6
5C(f) Kofxi gato 5C(f).png 11 6 +0 -1
5D(c) Kofxi gato 5D(c) 1.pngKofxi gato 5D(c) 2.png 5 2+4 +7 +6
5D(f) Kofxi gato 5D(f).png 11 4 +6 +5
5E Kofxi gato 5E.png 16 6 KD -3
GC Kofxi gato GC.pngKofxi gato GC gif.gif 7 6 KD -16 1-12 invul (until end of active time). 43F total duration.
6A Kofxi gato 6A.png 24 4 +10 +9 Overhead. Cancel Version is the same.
6B Kofxi gato 6B.png 9 5 -3 +2 only hits standing, tall opponents. Cancel Version is the same.
Saving Shift Kofxi gato saving.png ? n* / / Active until landing. 4F/5F recovery (hit/whiff), less than most other characters.
Crouching attacks
Move Hitbox Startup Active Hit Guard Note
2A Kofxi gato 2A.png 4 3 +6 +5
2B Kofxi gato 2B.png 5 2 +6 +5
2C Kofxi gato 2C.png 7 4 +4 +3
2D Kofxi gato 2D.png 9 4 KD +5
Jump Attacks
Move Hitbox Startup Active Note
small back A Kofxi gato smalljump back A.png 5 5
small up A Kofxi gato smalljump up A.png 5 5
small forward A Kofxi gato smalljump forward A.png 5 5
jump back A Kofxi gato jump back A.png 5 5
jump up A Kofxi gato jump up A.png 4 5
jump forward A Kofxi gato jump forward A.png 5 5
small back B Kofxi gato smalljump back B.png 5 5
small up B Kofxi gato smalljump up B.png 5 5
small forward B Kofxi gato smalljump forward B.png 5 5
jump back B Kofxi gato jump back B.png 5 5
jump up B Kofxi gato jump up B.png 5 5
jump forward B Kofxi gato jump forward B.png 5 5
small back C Kofxi gato smalljump back+up C.png 6 8 Same Hitbox as smalljump up C
small up C Kofxi gato smalljump back+up C.png 6 4 Same Hitbox as smalljump back C
small forward C Kofxi gato smalljump forward C.png 6 5
jump back C Kofxi gato jump back C.png 8 6
jump up C Kofxi gato jump up C.png 8 6
jump forward C Kofxi gato jump forward C.png 8 6
small back D Kofxi gato smalljump back D.png 8 4
small up D Kofxi gato smalljump up D 1.pngKofxi gato smalljump up D 2.png 6 2+3
small forward D Kofxi gato smalljump forward D.png 8 5
jump back D Kofxi gato jump back D.png 11 6
jump up D Kofxi gato jump up D 1.pngKofxi gato jump up D 2.png 7 2+4
jump forward D Kofxi gato jump forward D.png 9 6
small E Kofxi gato smalljump E.png 10 6
j.E Kofxi gato jump E.png 10 8
Specials & Supers
Move Hitbox Startup Active Hit Guard Note
236A Kofxi gato 236A.png 12 6 +3 +2
236A>66A Kofxi gato 236A-66A.png 3 10 KD -9* *=point blank
236C Kofxi gato 236C.png 19 8 +1 +0
236C-66C Kofxi gato 236C-66C.png 3 12 KD -11* *=point blank
214A Kofxi gato 214A.png 6 2 -12 -13 F1-9 counterhit-state. F10-32 airborne. 7F landing recovery.
214B Kofxi gato 214A.png 6 2 -14 -15 F1-32 counterhit-state (until landing). F10-32 airborne. 9F landing recovery.
214C Kofxi gato 214C.png 6 2 KD -25 Flies higher than 214A. Launches. F1-9 counterhit-state. F10-44 airborne. 7F landing recovery.
214D Kofxi gato 214C.png 6 2 KD -27 Flies higher than 214B. Launches. F1-44 counterhit-state (until landing). F10-44 airborne. 9F landing recovery.
214K-A Kofxi gato 214KA.png 15 12 KD +8* Launches (no juggle). *=after 214B, fastest timing. 9F landing recovery.
214K-B Kofxi gato 214KB.png 5 3 KD +1* Launches + enables juggle. *=after 214B, fastest timing. 9F landing recovery.
214K-C Kofxi gato 214KC.png 4 n* +0* -1* *=active until landing. *2+3=after 214B, fastest timing. 13F landing recovery.
214K-D Kofxi gato 214KD.png 7* 10 KD +0* *=7F from landing. *2=after 214B, in the corner. 6F crouching recovery in counter hit state +6F regular crouching recovery.
214P-A Kofxi gato 214PA.png 18* / / / F1-15 & 20-37 CH-state. *=flies off F18. Loses CH-state if an attack is performed while flying. 1F landing recovery (like a regular jump).
214P-B Kofxi gato 214PB.png
Kofxi gato 214PB gif.gif
4/5* 22/4* KD / Counter. 9F landing recovery. F1-4 of hit invulnerable (entire startup). *= counter/hit.
214P-C Kofxi gato 214PC.png 7 10 KD / Throw. 13F landing recovery on whiff.
214P-D Kofxi gato 214PD.png / 6* / / *=6F invul from landing. No Counterhit-State. Super Cancel.
236236A Kofxi gato 236236A.png 4 4 KD -5 4F invul(the whole startup). 22F recovery.
236236C Kofxi gato 236236C.png 10 5 KD -6 F1 invul. 22F recovery.
236236B Kofxi gato 236236B 1.pngKofxi gato 236236B 2.pngKofxi gato 236236B gif.gif 2 3+18 KD -49 F1 invul. F2-4 upper body invul. Airborne F5. Hurtbox shrinks from F7 on. First hit has juggle anywhere. 20F landing recovery.
236236D Kofxi gato 236236D 1.pngKofxi gato 236236D 2.pngKofxi gato 236236D gif.gif 15 4+30 KD -70 F1-18 invul. Airborne F19. First hit has juggle anywhere. Pulls the enemy in. 22F landing recovery.
623Ex1 Kofxi gato 623E 1.pngKofxi gato 623E 1 2.pngKofxi gato 623E gif.gif 7 4+4 -1 -2 F1-6 invul. 15F recovery.
623Ex2 Kofxi gato 623E 2.png 13 3 +7 +2 High guard damage. 3F CH-State on legs after the active-Frames. Body (not arm) remains in counterhit-state F16-18 (3F longer than active time). 16F recovery.
623Ex3 Kofxi gato 623E 3.png ~16 3 KD GC No invul. Guard Crush. No combo damage scaling. 21F recovery.
623E(DC) Kofxi gato 623E(DC).png Dream / Super Cancel-Version of 623E has a slightly different hitbox.

Special Attributes & Bugs

  • Wakes up 4F faster on face up knockdown
  • Gato's front ukemi takes 26+1F instead of the regular 22+1F
  • Gato is throw invulnerable during his front ukemi (thanks @kofxi_bot!).
  • Gato has a taller than normal collision size while crouch guarding, which prevents smalljump crossups.
  • Has less landing recovery after Saving Shift: only 4F/5F (hit/whiff) instead of the usual 9F/10F
  • Gato's back roll has no invulnerability F1-6. Invul F7-26. 7F recovery.

Kofxi gato 4AB gif.gif


Basic Combos

  • 2B or 2A or 5A or 5D(2) or 5C(c), link 236236A: yes, it is that simple.
  • 5C or 5D, > link 2B > link 236236A
  • 5D(1),214D-B: launcher combo.
  • Back-turned 5D(2) (eg after a punished forward roll), link 5D(2), link 2B, link 236236A
  • j.B>5A>5A>LDM
  • 2B>5C(c)>cancel into LDM

Shift Combos

  • Corner high launch (eg. Kula 214B>6D), QS Gato, Whiff j.B, 5B whiff, 214B-B x 4-5, then:
    • 6B,236236D (>DC LDM)
    • 2C>236A (whiff),236236B(>DC LDM)

With K
With back to corner 236236A QS to K,\/, jump back j.C>j.214K,\/, LDM, see here

Other Combos

Double 5D Combos
Those are most commonly used to punish front ukemi. Example: back-turned 5D(c) (against front ukemi), link 2B, link 5D(c), link 5A(c)>LDM, see an example by Kyuntakuya here.

5D(1) > 5A,5A Combo Route
The second hit of 5D(c) whiffs against crouchers in some combos, which creates less pushback and allows comboing into 5A,5A. This in turn enables combos with more stun than normal. The combo was discovered around 2006 (tougeki time). Rock managed to discover good ways to use the combo lately: source. Some additional clips from PI

Command Grab Combo Not too useful, but interesting - it is possible to combo into Gato's command grab on back hit, see here

DOWN Okizeme

  • Close to corner smalljump back (recrossup) j.B,2B, link 236236A, Shift Out Oswald, backdash, 3A,214B,236A,236B,236E: Delays if necessary are unknown

Universal Strategy Vs Gato

Gato Pressure
Gato's infamous pressure consists of a combination of quick 2Bs, 2As, 5As and j.B, which all give massive frame advantage and hit very fast. Rolling out is not a valid strategy since all of his attacks recover quick enough to punish you. This leaves either mashing into j.B, which is dangerous, or reversals, or guard cancels. Ideally you want to escape to a distance that resets neutral. You cannot take your time once in neutral however, since Gato can build absurd amounts of meter by whiffing special moves, so you will have to take the initiative sooner or later.

Gato's 236236A is notoriously strong: it is fast (4F), deals a lot of damage, allows combos on trade and is hard to punish (-5). The C version is almost never used, since the A-version is so much better and faster. The A-version has invulnerability during the startup, but not during its active time. Since a trade is so favorable, it can still be used as a reversal.
236236A is only -5 on block & pushes the opponent away a good distance, which makes it hard or even impossible to punish on block for some characters. Instead of blocking 236236A, it is best to input your punish already during the super freeze, i you are quick enough. If you are standing next to Gato during the super freeze, you can simply throw him with 6/4+C/D. Rolling through unfortunately does not give enough time to punish in almost all cases. Other than throwing, most characters have a Special or Super they can use to beat 236236A during the super freeze, eg. command grabs or moves with full or upper body invul, eg Eiji 236B, Vanessa 214P / 236K / [4],6C. Counters also work (Oswald's 4212D) or Guard Points (Maxima 236236C).

Reversal 236236B
Gato's 236236B is extremely fast (2F startup) and can be used as an anti-air wakeup. Gatos will usually only use this against very bold jump-in attempts on wakeup, since 236236A is generally better as a reversal and leads to more damage, and is also more safe. The best way to avoid getting hit by reversal 236263B is not to jump onto Gato too recklessly, or jump from an angle that would make most of the 236236B hits whiff (so, from far away).

LDM (623Ex3)
Gato's LDM has 7F Startup and startup invulnerability and has no super freeze. Safe jumping this super is useless, since you never want it to connect on guard. You can however option select during your safe jump against it, eg. by buffering an action that evades or beats 623E in case your jump-in whiffs (due to 623E invulnerability). Getting hit in air by 623E does not lead to anything for Gato, so jump attacks with early timing can be used against it without much danger, but this opens you up to 236236B & 236236A reversals.
The third hit of 623E causes a guaranteed guard crush due to the high guard damage of the 2nd hit. If you blocked 3 light or 1 heavy attack before 623E, the 2nd hit will already cause a guard crush and the 3rd hit will hit for a lot of damage. If you are quick enough, you can react to the 623E series on the first or second hit (first hit is more of a guess) by immediately doing a Guard Cancel Roll or attack to evade it.


Vs Kula

Japanese player Shingo considers this matchup in favor of Gato: approaching him is difficult with Kula, even though she excels at corner pressure. On the other hand, if Gato & Kula are not Leaders in this matchup, Kula can also play this defensively and abuse her strong anti-airs.

5D(c) as Okizeme can beat both Kula's wakeup 214B & 623C
Do not overabuse wakeup 236236A, Kula can 214B on reaction for a full punish.
If you have saving shift and Leader Gato available, you can punish Kula's BnB combo on hit if you saving shift>land>LDM right before she would do the 6D followup to 214B. Example video feat. Yanjirou
For the rare case that you play against a Leader Kula, you can punish her LDM on block with Gato's command grab (it is unpunishable other than by throws).

Vs Oswald

Strongly in favor of Gato.

Oswald has trouble escaping from Gato's pressure. Gato's normals are too quick and should be used as much as possible (j.B, 2B, 2A, 5A etc.)
Since Gato wakes up 4F faster on face-up knockdown, he can punish ACE on hit with 236236A.
Use meaty 5D(c) to beat Oswald's reversal counter.

Vs Kensou

According to Sawakoro, the matchup is relatively even, since Gato has massive problems getting in on Kensou's zoning playstyle.

Gato can use smalljump j.C as an instant overhead against Kensou

Vs Kim

According to Kyuntakuya, strongly in favor of Gato (8:2).
