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Notable Normals

3B: ovehead, soft knockdown.
66B: overhead, soft knockdown.
2C: anti-air.
66D: low hit, soft knockdown.


Wall 3/9: Triangle Jump.
j.4/6D: air throw.
421S: scarf attack. Reflects fireballs.
>S: followup with soft knockdown.
>K: followup that mounts the wolf.
214D: mount wolf
>S/j.S: various attacks.
>direction+D: get off. can directly jump into any direction with full air options.
>412S: straight dash attack. Does not knock down. Can be cancelled into 214S, 4D & 6D.
>623S: 45° attack upwards. Can be cancelled into j.214S (whiffs), j.4D & j.6D.
>j.236S: attack downwards. Can be cancelled into 214S, 4D & 6D.
214S: bird divebombs.
214D: klings onto mamahaha. Can be steered with directions.
>S: various attacks while airborne.
>3/6/9BC: dive attack, direction equals angle.
>236S: flip attack down. Button determines angle.
>direction+D: get off into any direction, including upwards. Full air options after, eg. jump attacks.
j.2D: soft knockdown.
While getting knocked down, AC: Short ukemi roll + wolf attack.
321421E (SS2): SD Transformation.


エレルシ カムイ リムセ: 236AB: mamahaha divebomb super.
アペフチ カムイ リムセ: 236BC / 3214623BC (SS2): scarf ranbu.

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