Kawaks Debug Dipswitches

Developer Mode


Developer Dip Switches



Beispiel: Switches für KOF200

Variante Beschreibung
DIP 1-1 Debug Object in Middle
DIP 1-2 CLSN boxes
DIP 1-3 Infinite Strikers, Time Stop, access Throw edit mode, access skill edit tools,DEMO check modes,stage select..maybe more
DIP 1-4 basic velocity values
DIP 1-5 unknown(b4 kof2k..it's ASCII codes)
DIP 1-6 P1,P2 infinite life
DIP 1-7 unknown...
DIP 1-8 able to pause in anywhere...then press P2's pause to see game frame by frame
DIP 2-1 AI/other stuff edit tools (not useful)
DIP 2-2 AI take control of P1 and P2.. I think
DIP 2-3 P1 infinite life
DIP 2-4 shows Battle Ability, press start to gain energy to MAX
DIP 2-5 shows sound codes as they appear
DIP 2-6 sound player I guess
DIP 2-7 AutoFire
DIP 2-8 unknown

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